Successful social groups

Planning running and evaluating successful social groups

Akeley Wood School

Tuesday 6th December 2016; 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • £44 per delegate
  • discounted to £80 for two and £117 for three

Booking form

Social groups are an effective way for ASD pupils to learn ways to interact appropriately in social situations. On this course you will:
  • have an increased awareness of the issues of pupils with social communication difficulties. We’ll provide practical strategies to support young people to develop social awareness.
  • have a greater understanding of how appropriate social skills can be modelled and taught in a social group setting.

Lead Delegate

Please complete the following booking form. If you are booking for two or more delegates please complete as the 'Lead Delegate' and add additional names in the boxes provided. * denotes a required field.


Payment can be made directly into our bank account.
  • Bank: TSB
  • Branch: Winslow Bucks
  • Sort Code: 30-99-74
  • Account No: 19379060
or you can send a cheque made payable to 'AuTC' to

Autism Teaching Company, 7 Church Way, East Claydon, Buckinghamshire, MK18 2NB

An emailed confirmation of your reserved place(s) will be sent to the address given, followed by an invoice for the full amount within 24 hrs. Your place(s) will be confirmed once payment is received. Payment should be made within 14 days of invoice date.
Terms & Conditions
Each course is restricted to an optimum size. Should the number of booked delegates exceed the set number for that course then AuTC will aim to offer a duplicate course held on another date or will refund the full booking fee in full. In the event of non-attendance or cancellation of a delegate within one week of the stated date the course fee will not be refunded. All cancellations must be made by email to Should the named delegate be unable to attend another delegate from the same organisation may attend in their place at no additional charge.