“It’s OK not to be OK”

Top schools face mental health crisis

There is a very interesting article in the Sunday Times today about the pressures that are young people are facing. ‘Top schools face Mental Health Crisis’ details how schools are increasingly concerned about the levels of depression,self harming and obsessive disorders in teenagers, and how some independent schools are starting to provide increased support to help their students.

CaptureTeenagers with autism face increased challenges and issues resulting from their ASD can exacerbate anxieties and affect mental health when navigating the path through secondary school.

At the Autism Teaching Company, we are really excited about a new programme we are running in conjunction with Aylesbury Grammar School, in which we are supporting the boys and their parents to understand more about the causes of some behaviours which cause issues in family life and at school.

We feel that, when school and parents work together with young people, we can help support  with the pressures of school, peers and adolescence and, in the words of the young man interviewed in the article, teach young people to understand that “it’s OK not to be OK! and to learn strategies to help them through.


Click here to read the article


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